1. History 

The Political Affairs Department of the National Academy (formerly the Political Affairs Office Department) came into being along with the foundation of the Senior Military Academy (February 21, 1976), currently the National Defense Academy. On June 25, 1976, General Van Tien Dung signed Decision No. 146/QP-TM on the organization and staffing of the Senior Military Academy, from which the Political Affairs Office (now the Political Affairs Department) was officially established

2. Functions and Missions

2.1. Functions

The Political Affairs Department is in charge of Party’s and politics work at the Academy; working under the direction of the General Department of Politic Affairs; leadership of the Party Committee of the National Defense Academy; the functional direction of the Political Commissar, the management and administration of the Academy’s President to the activities of the Academy. Proposing to the Political Commissar and Party Committee of the Academy the contents and measures of political and Party’s work activities in the Academy. Formulating and organizing the implementation Party’s and politics work plans at their respective levels; directing, guiding and inspecting implementing agencies and units.

2.2. Missions

Revising and proposing to the Political Commissar and Party Committee of the Academy to decide on the contents and measures of  Party and Politics work activities in the Academy; developing plans and organize implementation at their own level; directing, guiding and inspecting the implementation of agencies and units.

Directing, guiding and inspecting agencies and units that conduct propaganda work; ensuring that all cadres, lecturers, students, staff, soldiers (cadres, soldiers) in the Academy are absolutely loyal to the Party, to the Socialist Vietnamese Fatherland, to the people, to have a strong sense of sustained political will, strict self-discipline, no signs of deterioration in political thought, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation", ready to undertake and complete all assigned tasks.

Directing, guiding and inspecting the organization and construction of the Party cells;  building party committees and organizations at all levels in the Academy's Party Committee to be healthy and strong, with a contingent of pioneering and exemplary party members, with comprehensive leadership capacity and high combat strength, solidarity and unity, strictly adhering to Party discipline, leading the unit to successful fulfillment of all tasks in any situation.

Revising and proposing to the Political Commissar and Party Committee of the Academy on personnel work; building a contingent of cadres in the Academy with sufficient quantity, reasonable structure, high quality, fulfilling their assigned responsibilities and tasks, meeting both immediate and long-term requirements.

Directing, guiding and inspecting agencies and units to conduct internal security protection; building a politically wholesome Academy, safe in all aspects, building a safe unit associated with a safe locality.

Directing, guiding and inspecting agencies and units to conduct mass mobilization and special propaganda; participating in the implementation of movements and campaigns launched by the Party, State, Vietnam Fatherland Front, Army and localities, contributing to maintaining political stability, economic and cultural development, society, strengthening national defense and security, building a strong political foundation in the stationed locality where the army is stationed, and firmly consolidating the kinship solidarity between the Army and the people.

Directing, guiding and inspecting agencies and units to strictly obey the policies of the Party and State; strictly implementing policies and remunaration towards cadres and soldiers in the Academy and the policies for the armymen’s relatives; revising and proposing to the leadership to improve policies for cadres and soldiers in the Academy and the policy for the armymen’s relatives.

Directing, guiding and inspecting mass work, military council and implementing grassroots democracy regulations in the Academy.

Directing, guiding and inspecting the politics and party’s work in undertaking tasks, with the focus on education - training, scientific research,  regularity building, discipline training, combat readiness, prevention and control gainst the strategy of “peaceful evolution”; natural disaster prevention and control, disaster search, rescue and relief.

Directing, guiding and organizing military humanities and social science research; participating in military science and art research, military science and technology; compiling the history and traditions of the Party Committee and the Academy.

Directing, guiding and inspecting agencies and units that manage, use funds, and equip redeployment and redeployment facilities to ensure compliance with regulations and laws.

Building a strong and comprehensive political body of the Academy. To organize training and fostering courses on the politics and party’s work for members, political cadres and political staff according to decentralization.

3. The Leadership




Major General, Dr. Le Van Hai


Deputy Director

Colonel MS. Pham Van Toan

4. Achievements

In the process of building, development, generations of leaders, officers and staff of the Political Bureau with revolutionary spirit, enthusiasm and wisdom have built up a long history of achievements and traditions of "Fortitude, intelligence, solidarity, creativity, in-depth practices and timeliness". With excellent achievements in revision, proposing contents and measures of politics and party’s work in the Academy, contributing to successfully completing the tasks of training - training and scientific research, the Political Department  was awarded the Third-class Labor Medal (2005), the Third-class Fatherland Protection Medal (2016), and the Second-class (2021). For many years, it has been awarded Certificates of Merit from the Ministry of National Defense, the General Department of Politics, and the Leadership of the Academy. Every year, the Academy continuously awarded the Emulation Flag, the Title of the Victory Resolution Unit, the Certificate of Merit. Hundreds of individuals were awarded the Military Medal of the Victory Resolution...

5. Contact

            Political Department - National Defense Academy.

            Address: No. 93, Hoang Quoc Viet, Nghia Do, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

            Tel: 069.556.833 or 069.556.709