1. History

After the complete liberation of the South to reunify the country, to meet the requirements and tasks of building and defending the Fatherland in the new revolutionary period, on July 25, 1975, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense decided to establish the Senior Military Academy. In compliance with the Resolution of the Central Military Commission, on February 21, 1976, the Ministry of National Defense issued Decision No. 38/QD-BQP to establish the High-ranking Military Academy, now the National Defense Academy, alongside with the birth of the Military Academy, the Administrative Office was established.

After 45 years of construction and development, under the leadership and direct direction of the Standing Party Committee of the Academy's Board of Presidents, the National Defense Academy’s Administrative Office has highly promoted its bravery, intelligence, and efforts to strive for excellence, fulfilling its functions and duties as an advisory body to assist the Standing Committee and the Academy's Board of Presidents on military work, military administration and service assurance, contributing to the successful implementation of the political missions of the Academy, building a strong and comprehensive Academy, increasingly regular, advanced and exemplary.

2. Functions

As an advisory body for the Standing Committee, the Academy's Board of Presidents on military work, military administration and service assurance.

3. Mission

To strictly implement the combat readiness order of Minister of National Defense, Chief of the General Staff and President of the Academy; providing military training for the Academy’s staff, testing, evaluating results, reporting in accordance with regulations.

Pursuant to directives, resolutions, orders of the  leadership and tasks of the Academy, researching, developing plans, reports and conclusions; when approved, the Office organizes synergistic coordination with agencies and units inside and outside the Academy to monitor, inspect, incite the implementation, to revise and report in a timely manner.

Based on the staffing and organization stipulated by the General Staff and the actual situation of the Academy, the Office advises the leadership as regards the policy on the strenght work.

Developing and implementing the plan on inspective and legal work, regularly maintaining the duty tasks and citizen reception; closely coordinating with agencies inside and outside the Army to deal with letters and documents of complaints and denunciations. Reviewing the  legal documents compiled by the Academy’s and by other agencies, faculties and systems before promulgation. Advising on the implementation of the administrative reform plan and the implementation of e-government in the Academy.

Advising the Standing Committee, the Academy's Board of Presidents to lead and direct defense foreign tasks in accordance with the Party's lines and policies; regulations of the Ministry of National Defense and the Academy.

Organizing on-duty tasks, ensuring appropriate communication; forwarding and receiving dispatches, documents and letters with absolute safety.

Guiding agencies, faculties and systems to well implement the Government's Decree and the Ministry of Defense's Circular on administrative document procedures; registering, receiving and transferring official documents and documents, serving the tasks of training, drilling, and scientific research; managing, using the seals in accordance with the principles.

Advising heads of the Academy to perform well the financial management; ensuring adequate and timely funding for the Academy's tasks, preventing deficits and losses; organizing payment according to principles and regulations.

Well organizing the reception work, service and reception of guests in accordance with regulations, respect and safety; strictly managing facilities and equipment.

Building a "good kitchen, good management", regularly maintaining the canteen and kitchen regime, improving the quality of service work to ensure correct, adequate schemes, standards, food hygiene and safety.

Organizational structure

Adminstrative Office Leadership

Political Assistant

Defense Inspector

Reviewing-planning office.

Operation and Training Office.

Staff Power Office.

Finance Office.

Foreign Affairs Division.

Secretariat – Archives division.

Signals Division.

Administration Division.

Guard Platoon.

The Mess.


4. Current Office Leadership

Sen. Colonel Ngo Van Sang- Chief of Office (From 2016 to now).

Sen. Colonel Nguyen Tien Thi - Deputy Chief of the Office (From 2021to now).

5. Rewards

Ministry of Defense awarded 03 Certificates of Merit in training.

The Ministry of Defense awarded 02 Certificates of Merit in the construction of a comprehensively-sustained unit.

Ministry of Defense awarded 01 Certificate of Merit in the fight against crime.

Academy awarded 06 Certificates of Merit.

6. Chief of the Admnitrative Office over the periods.

Sen. Colonel Le Van Binh:                         1976- 1979.

Sen. Colonel Tran Van Hiep:                      1979- 1983.

Sen. Colonel Nguyen Minh Thong:            1983- 1987.

Sen. Colonel Duong Trong Tram:               1987- 1989.

Sen. Colonel Dinh Xuan Hai:                      1989-1993.

Sen. Colonel Nguyen Ngoc Ty:                    1993- 1996.

Sen. Colonel Duong Van Tinh:                     1996-1998.

Sen. Colonel Dao Trong Lac:                       1998-2002.

Sen. Colonel Hoang Dai Chien:                    2002- 2013.

Sen. Colonel Dang Van Yen:                          2013-2016.

Sen. Colonel Dinh Khac Chuyen                   2017-2022


7. Address: No. 93, Hoang Quoc Viet street, Nghia Do ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi city./.