The techniques and logistics work at the National Defense Academy (National Defense Academy) plays a very important role, contributing to the successful implementation of the mission of education - training, scientific research and other assigned tasks. The Academy's techniques and logistics branch is different from those in the whole army, which are organized at one level; under the leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the Academy's Board of Presidents, the professional direction of the superior professional agencies, the Department of Tecniques and Logistics performs the function of advising the Party Committee and the Board of Presidents on the Academy’s logistic and technical work; directly developing plans and ensuring, managing, directing and guiding the technical work to serve for the tasks of the Academy; comprehensively and directly commanding and managing departments, divisions and professional staff, soldiers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers to organize the implementation of building a comprehensively strong logistic and technical sector, successfully, thus fulfilling all assigned tasks.

Over 45 years of the Academy’s construction and development, tasks, organization, staffing and subjects to ensure techniques and logistics have changed; especially on the subject of technical-logistics guarantee, there are changes in composition, quantity, security requirements, standards, and norms in an increasing direction. The economic management mechanism of the country, the method of ensuring techniques and logistics of the whole army have also developed, thus affecting the logistic and technical work of the Academy. However, under the leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the Academy's Board of Presidents; the direct attention and assistance of the General Department of Techniques and the General Department of Logistics, agencies and units in the whole army, localities and enterprises across the country; efforts and determination of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers in the administrative and technical fields have actively overcome all difficulties, well performing the consulting work for the Academy’s Party Committee and the Board of Presidents, setting out guidelines and solutions to leading, directing the administrative and economic sectors to maintain their views, goals and political tasks, promoting responsibility, sense of thrift, self-reliance, and positive attitude, creativity... constantly improving the ability of assurance; implementing tight management, promptly meeting all technical and logistic needs for the Academy’s missions  in the new period.

In addition to the guaranteed subjects who are officers, lecturers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers in the Academy; The Academy’s logistics and techniques also ensures the learners from senior command and staff courses of the operational and strategic level, postgraduate training courses, and national defense and security knowledge fostering courses for senior officials of the Party, State and armed forces, international student training courses. This is a great responsibility and honor for the Department, but it also poses many difficulties that must be solved synchronously and promptly with assurance contents such as: food, accommodation, medical examination and illness treatment,  study and research at the Academy. At the same time, it also ensures long-term practical study and research in units in the whole army and in localities across the country, in the condition that the Academy's technical and logistic facilities are not really synchronous.

About the force: the contingent of officers and non-commissioned officers majored in techniques and logistics at the Academy are trained and fostered in education institutions inside and outside the military, many officers have experience in logistics and techniques in agencies and units in the whole army. However, the level of professional knowledge and working experience is only suitable for trainees who are officers of the Vietnam People's Army and must comply with the specific regime, standards and quantification for each training subject. Created as a soldier, while they are still in short of logisctics and techniques knowledge to serve international students and trainees in defense and security knowledge training courses.

About facilities: Thanks to the investing funds provided by the Party, State, Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense, the Academy has built a new system of lecture halls, working venues for officials and lecturers, students' accommodation, and has renovated, repaired and upgraded the barracks, but still could not have handled and completely overcome the inadequacies, the students' accommodation and living conditions were not still fully synchronized. Means of transport (vehicles of the 1st and 2nd generation) have been used for many years, both poor in quantity and in quality.

Assured objects: military cadets, and international students are of high average age; physical features, dining habits, lifestyles is not unified; for the multinational defense officials, the course duration is short, they have not yet had time to adapt to the communal dining, to lifestyle and living environment of the Vietnam People's Army; requirements of study and research are high, both studying at the Academy. Studying and taking field trips to learn about the cultural beauty, the tradition of building and protection of our nation and the People's Army are of long mobile distances, in complex terrain and climate, greatly affecting health care and management.

The task to ensure logistics and techniques is important, there are many difficulties, but the requirements ensuring  logistics and techniques are: proactive, complete, synchronous, timely, thoughtful, dedicated, and absolutely safe. Therefore, the Party Committee and the Academy's Board of Presidents always pay attention to leading and directing closely and promptly with the Party Committee and leadership of the Logistics and Technical Department. The contingent of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers regularly self-study, research, work to improve their professional qualifications, changing methods to ensure safety; attaching importance to in-service training and professional development, training and fostering in schools inside and outside the military. The deapartment has closely and promptly coordinated with the assurance direction of professional agencies in the army and State functional agencies; promptly preliminary reviewing, summarizing, drawing experience, adjusting and supplementing guarantee norms, adjusting methods of assurance, improving service spirit and attitude. Together with other agencies, faculties, systems and branches, the Department has gradually met the learning and living needs of learners, contributing to the successful implementation of the Academy's political tasks.

About ensuring rations and garments: the Logistics and Techniques Department has actively invested in and renewed equipment and facilities for canteens and kitchens; exploiting food, food of assured origin, with reasonable price; strictly managing, ensuring standards and quantification of food; especially for international students and students from national defense and security knowledge fostering courses. Based on standards and norms of the State, the Ministry of National Defense, the Academy organized meals, buffet meals according to the taste of each region, cuisine and dining custom of each country. When studying, conducting field trips to agencies and units in the whole army, to localities across the country, the Academy promotes the ability to ensure mobile logistics, on-site logistics of units, agencies and localities to ensure adequate, timely, cooked meals, drinks, .. lodging in barracks or local offices or establishments. Strictly implementing the food control in order to prevent food poisoning and epidemic diseases so as not to affect the training program, contents

At the same time, the Academy attached great importance to military garment supply management, organized tailoring, and received military equipment according to size, shared military uniforms. Regularly ensuring adequate and timely military uniforms for students, contributing to improving daily life and regular dressing throughout the Academy.        

About  accommodation: The Academy has completed the renovation and upgrading of the barracks; actively implementing the construction of items in the planning step 2 approved by the Minister of National Defense. Annually, barracks equipmenthas been preserved, refurbished, supplemented and upgraded to meet the requirementm, improving the daily life of officials, lecturers, students, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers. Up to now, the condominum  of the students and the working venues of the staff and lecturers are synchonously equipped, using electricity from the grid, air conditioners, hot water heaters, etc. At the same time, the Academy has renovated and upgraded, requesting for more land to build accommodation for professional cadres and soldiers, contributing to stabilizing and improving the staff and students’ lives  

The work of securing the barracks

Regarding medical assurance: carry out the motto"Prevention is better than cure", has focused on closely monitoring the situation of epidemics and diseases in the region and the unit, especially from the beginning of 2020 until now, the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic has been taking place very complicatedly in the world, the region and the world. In the region, the risk of epidemics in the country is very likely to occur, the Military Medical Branch has promoted propaganda, mastery, and education to raise awareness and responsibility to strictly comply with all regulations on epidemic prevention and control. Strengthening environmental sanitation management, preventing epidemics from occurring in the Academy. Strictly manage staff's health, organize medical examination, provide medicine and treat at the unit thoughtfully, safely, without allowing errors and accidents. For international students and students fostering knowledge of QP and AN, upon admission, the Military Medical Department actively updated the list of students from different territories, studying physical factors and specific diseases. enemies of each region or region in order to take proactive measures to take appropriate health care; organized a comprehensive health check, made a separate health card for each student. Assign a medical team to be in charge of ensuring the health of students at the barracks. Every year, the percentage of healthy troops meeting and exceeding the target (98% or more), timely examination and treatment, ensuring safety, and no errors or accidents.

Regarding technical guarantee, petrol and transport: have gradually upgraded existing means of transport; receive, purchase additional new vehicles, in accordance with the transport requirements of the Academy, carry out the transfer, disposal of old vehicles according to procedures and principles. Regularly preserve and maintain means of transport, weapons and equipment according to regulations, timely repair, maintain technical coefficient of 0.9; guarantee coefficient equal to 1. Annually, proactively establishes demand for use, receives, manages and distributes gasoline, oil and grease in accordance with the principles and regimes, Balances transportation plans and prioritizes reasonable, timely response to training - training, scientific research and other tasks.

 Regarding the construction industry: The administrative and technical sector has promptly adjusted its organization and staff to ensure sufficient quantity and high quality. The unit strictly implements the regime of professional training, contests, sports festivals, exams, lifting tests, keeping grades in accordance with procedures and principles. Conduct training and retraining to improve professional qualifications for professional officers and soldiers. Regularly pay attention to education to improve responsibility and service attitude; focus on fostering and improving capacity, methods and working styles for specialized officers and soldiers. Every year, strengthen the system of professional forms and books, strictly implement the regime of inventory, payment and settlement, and specialized regimes as prescribed.

In the coming time, the mission of the Academy has been developed with higher requirements. In order to meet the task of ensuring administrative and technical work, the administrative and technical sector focuses on well implementing the following basic contents and measures:

One is, thoroughly understand, deeply educate, firmly grasp the viewpoints, lines, undertakings and policies of the Party, State, Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense, focusing on successfully implementing the task of ensuring administrative work- KT in the spirit of the Resolution of the Military Party Congress and the Resolution of the 11th National Defense Academy Party Congress. Resolution No. 623-NQ/QUTW dated October 29, 2012 of the Central Military Commission on “Military logistics to 2020 and the following years". Actively grasp the situation, requirements and tasks of the Academy, promptly determine the tasks of administrative and technical work and have a forecast for the next time. Create a strong change in awareness, responsibility and actions of professional officers, soldiers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers for the academic and technical work of the Academy.

Two is, continue to thoroughly grasp and strictly comply with professional regimes and principles, update information, legal documents, and instructions of superior professional agencies. Research, advise and propose specialized agencies to standardize standards, regimes, quantifications and norms on technical skills for training subjects at the Academy, to proactively ensure each year and course.

Three is, actively and proactively resolve the working relationship with agencies inside and outside the Academy, especially superior professional agencies, leading agencies, and local authorities. Timely enlist the support and help of organizations and individuals in all fields. Leadership, command, management and implementation of administrative and technical work must be resolute, sensitive and flexible, on the basis of mastering the guidelines and resolutions of the Party, State laws, public policies and principles. specialized work. At the same time, the Academy's administrative and technical staff are interested in building a staff that is suitable in terms of structure, sufficient in number, increasingly qualified, with good moral qualities, to meet the needs of the community. functions of both advising and organizing implementation.

Four is, proactively select, source, train and foster managers and technical personnel (drivers, electricians, motorcycle repairmen, military doctors, ...) have good professional competence, have good moral qualities, scientific working methods and styles. Paying attention to fostering and improving foreign language skills, knowledge and understanding of traditional cultures and living customs of countries and ethnic groups with students studying at the Academy, to meet the requirements of tasks.

Year is, promote propaganda and education for cadres, students, professional soldiers, officers and soldiers to understand clearly the position and importance of technical and administrative work; Performing administrative and technical work is the responsibility of agencies, faculties, systems and forces in the Academy. Incorporating movement"Emulation To Win" with specialized emulation movements. From there, encourage and encourage the spirit and responsibility in managing, exploiting and using effectively, keeping good and durable, and saving infrastructure facilities.

Upholding Tradition"Loyalty, devotion, solidarity, creativity", Unit "Heroes of the armed forces in the renovation period”of the Academy over the past 45 years, under the leadership and direction of the Party Committee and the Academy's Board of Directors, the direction of superior specialized agencies, the Party Committee and commander of the Department of Science and Technology, and all staff Ministries, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers overcome all difficulties, strive to strive, and perform well to ensure technical skills for the tasks of the Academy; actively perform"Good advice, tight management, good service",meet the mission requirements of the Academy in the new period.